General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Privacy Policy
We do comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679.
Data Processing Information in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at
Bespoke Croatia acknowledges and appreciates your right to confidentiality of data and undertakes measures to preserve the security of the data that is collected through
Bespoke Croatia collects, processes and keeps your personal information in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable regulations. Data will not be passed on to third parties or exported to third countries except in the case of the need for realization of contracted services (e.g. accommodation, airline, carrier, insurance). We will consider that further use of represents your acceptance of all the conditions described below.
Your personal data is collected and used only on the basis of the data you have voluntarily provided by Bespoke Croatia using
Collected personal information is kept in electronic form and all appropriate technical and organizational measures are applied to prevent personal data violations. Received emails with your personal information Bespoke Croatia will only use it for the purpose of meeting your requirements.
When booking a tour, accommodation or other services, BESPOKE CROATIA will need the personal data of the reservation holder that must be minimum 18 years old (e.g. name, address, contact phone, etc.) and other user’s information (e.g. name, date of birth).
Only the necessary information for the realization of the service will only be available to the partners in the realization of accommodation, transportation, insurance, tourist guides or other service providers who are required to complete the journey or service.
Payment details (e.g. bank card number, expiration date) are specifically protected and will only be available to banks or card holders for payment authorization.
Cookies allow BESPOKE CROATIA collecting statistical user behavior data at (e.g. on which parts of the Internet page users stay the longest and the shortest), the Internet browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox) and so on.
The cookies are a small set of data sent from the server to the user’s computer, and serves as an anonymous identifier. Cookies are also used to make it easier to navigate through the web pages (e.g. you do not have to re-enter your registration data each time).
Cookies are not used to access user data or to track user activity after leaving. Bespoke Croatia reserves the right to use cookies at but any user may prohibit receiving cookies by editing/ changing settings in their Internet browser.
5. LINKS contains links to other websites (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, TripAdvisor, etc.). Accordingly Bespoke Croatia, we inform the users to take into account that cannot be held liable for the privacy of those Internet sites. Therefore, we encourage users to read the Privacy Statement of each Internet site they access.
Contact information, such as your name and email address, is required in case you want to use promotional material services by Bespoke Croatia.
Promotional materials include information on services and special offers and newsletters. You can disable your service at any time by activating the “Sign out” link at the end of an e-mail to
Bespoke Croatia takes all security measures to protect the user’s data during data entry,
transfer, data processing, and storage. Access to data is limited and only to those employees who are required to do business.
Bespoke Croatia will not keep the data longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data was originally collected.
All data will be erased or destroyed as soon as possible when it is no longer necessary to comply with legal and regulatory requirements.
Users at any time have the right to request information about their personal data processed by Bespoke Croatia and they can send a request for change or deletion of data to
In the event of any changes to the Privacy Policy, the notice will be published on the homepage of the web site with the aim of acquainting the user.
BESPOKE CROATIA putnička agencija
Drenjska Ulica 28, Drenje Brdovečko
Tel. 00 385 98 1746 285
Zagreb, 02.03.2020.